lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2008

World War III?

Some experts say that if wwIII begins it will be catastrophic, and they affirm that the next one will be with sticks and stones.

We are not far of the worst war of human history, and the one that will finish with a significant percentage of worlds population.

Like many of we, now theres a war in course because of the russian invasion to Georgia, these could be the detonator of the second part of the cold war, having as consequence wwIII. To see if these can lead us to wwIII we will have to understand the problem since its beginning.

Georgia was conformed by south Osetia and by Abjasia, but also by his other cities. Osetia and Abjasia were trying to be independent countries since the beggining of the 90's, but tension restarted when Mijali Saakashvili became president of Georgia trying to reunificate the country because his army was strong enough to dominate this other two countries. Georgia invaded south Osetia in august to reintegrated to it, and just in one day they controlled Osetias capital. Meanwhile Russia send troops to defend Osetia, but they also bombarded Georgia and invaded their limits. Russia took these decisions because in Osetia their many russian citizens. These is just the start of what it will be a ferocious war.

I can affirm this statement for various reazons, first of all the decisions made from Russia have many influence from Vladimir Putin the prime minister of these country, that is a loyal "fan" of the communism regime, these can make us think that Russia wants to reactivate the communism popularity all around the world just like in the cold war. Another reason is that Georgia is trying to be part of the OTAN, this mostly is because Georgia wants to be defended from Russia by this organization. If Georgia becomes a member of the OTAN it will have a total backup from them, so war will be even worst. USA plans to intervene, but maybe later because of their internal problems. If my predictions are correct in less than 2 years a nuclear war will start facing again two old enemies, communism and capitalism.

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